WRK ZONE Gaming Clubs

Youth leaders develop their brand, influence and leadership skills while challenging themselves and their peers to level up to their full potential

WRK ZONE provides online and onsite esports gaming clubs that challenge youth to LEVEL UP to their full potential. Our programs aim to EQUIP and EMPOWER youth to ELEVATE their game…in the game of life.

LATE NIGHT Youth Night

LATE NIGHT provides a SAFE, WELCOMING, INCLUSIVE & FUN night for youth in 6-12th grade.

Our Voice-led and Community Driven Late Night features esports gaming, VR gaming, tournaments, arts & crafts, D.J., photobooth, games, raffles, prizes, guest speakers, food and fun!

NetWRK & WRK SHOPS for Everyone

Online and onsite programs and workshops for youth and adults who support youth that focus on online safety, online etiquette, digital literacy, career opportunities, responsible gaming, and social media/branding.


Equip, Empower, Elevate

Responsible Gaming, Online Safety & Etiquette, Healthy Habits, Digital Literacy, Social Media & Branding, Character Building, Bullying, Violence and Risky Behavior Prevention


Level Up

Work on character building, critical thinking and leadership skills

Participate in problem solving, team building and leadership activities

Develop life, school and career skills


Want to learn more about our programs, becoming a volunteer, partner or sponsor? Contact us.